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Saturday, February 15, 1890 (February 3, 1890 by the Julian calendar)
The Saturday of the Dead, Tone two

Afterfeast of the Meeting of Our Lord. [.:] Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-receiver and Anna the Prophetess (1st c.). St. Nicholas, enlightener of Japan (1912). New Hieromartyr John, Timothy priest amd Martyr Vladimir (1938). St. Symeon, first bishop of Tver and Polotsk (1289). St. Romanus, prince of Uglich (1285). Prophet Azarias (10th c.B.C.). Martyrs Papias, Diodorus, and Claudianus at Perge in Pamphylia (250). Martyrs Adrian and Eubulus, at Caesarea in Cappadocia (310). Martyr Blaise of Caesarea in Cappadocia (3rd c.). St. Ansgar, bishop of Hamburg, enlightener of Denmark and Sweden (865). St. Laurence of Canterbury, bishop (619) (Celtic & British). St. Werburga of Chester, abbess (700) (Celtic & British). St. James, archbishop of Serbia (1292) (Serbia). Martyrs Paul and Symeon, and Martyr Paul the Syrian, who suffered under Diocletian (4th c.). St. Sviatoslav-Gabriel and his son St. Dimitry of Yuriev (1253). St. Sabbas of Ioannina (15th c.). St. Ignatius of Mariupol in Crimea, metropolitan of Gothia and Kafa (1786). Greek New Martyrs Stamatius and John, brothers, and Nicholas their companion, in Chios (1822).

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