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Thursday, January 17, 2075 (January 4, 2075 by the Julian calendar)
32nd Week after Pentecost, Tone six

Sviatki. Fast-free. Forefeast of the Theophany. Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles: James the Brother of the Lo'rd, Mark the Evangelist, Luke the Evangelist, Cleopas the Brother of Joseph the Betrothed, Symeon the son of Cleopas, Barnabas, Justus, Thaddeus, Ananias, Stephen the Archdeacon; Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas of the seven deacons; Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Onesimus, Epaphras, Archippus, Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Crispus, Epenetus, Andronicus, Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Narcissus, Apelles, Aristobulus, Herodion, Agabus, Rurus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobus, Hermas, Linus, Gaius, Philologus, Lucius, Jason, Sosipater, Olympas, Tertius, Erastus, Quartus, Euodias, Onesiphorus, Clement, Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Carpus, Quadratus, Mark called John, Zenas, Aristarchus, Pudens, Trophimus, Mark, Artemas, Aquila, Fortunatus, and Achaicus; Dionysius Areopagite and Simeon Niger. St. Theoctistus, abbot at Cucomo in Sicily (800). Repose of St. Eustathius I (Eustace), archbishop of Serbia (1285). New Hieromartyrs Alexander, Spephen and Philippe priests (1933). New Hieromartyr Nicolos priest (1939). New Hieromartyr Paul priest (1941). St. Aquila, deacon of the Kiev Caves (14th c.). Martyr Zosimas the Hermit and Martyr Athanasius the Commentarisius (superintendent of prisoners), anchorites of Cilicia (3rd-4th c.). Martyrs Chrysantha and Euphemia. St. Euthymius the New of Thessalonica, monk. St. Gregory of Langres (539-540) (Gaul). Martyrs Abbot Euthymius and Twelve Monks of Vatopedi Monastery, Mt. Athos (1285) (Greek). New Martyr Onuphrius Manassias of Gabrovo and Hilandar Monastery, Mt. Athos (1818) (Greek). The Ethiopian Eunuch of Queen Candace. St. Evagrius (fellow-ascetic of St. Shio Mgvime), St. Elijah the deacon, and others (6th. c.) (Georgia). St. Symeon, metropolitan of Smolensk (1699).

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