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Sunday, April 19, 1914 (April 6, 1914 by the Julian calendar)
The Bright Resurrection of Christ, The Pascha of the Lord

The End of the Great Lent. St. Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople (582). + St. Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, enlightener of the Slavs (885). New Hieromartyr John priest (1934). New Hieromartyr James priest (1943). St. Sebastian, Elder of Optina and Karaganda (1966). St. Platonida (Platonis) of Nisibis (308). 120 Martyrs of Persia (345). Martyrs Jeremiah and Archilias the Presbyter. St. Gregory of St. Athanasius monastery on Mt. Athos, instructor of St. Gregory Palamas (1308). St. Gregory the Sinaite (1346). New Martyr Nicholas of Lesbos (1463). New Monk-martyr Gennadius of Dionysiou, Mt. Athos, who suffered at Constantinople (1818). New Martyrs Manuel, Theodore, George, Michael, and another George, of Samothrace (1835).

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