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Thursday, January 24, 1924 (January 11, 1924 by the Julian calendar)
35th Week after Pentecost, Tone one
Afterfeast of the Theophany.
+ St. Theodosius the Great, the Cenobiarch (529).
[.:] St. Michael of Klops Monastery, fool-for-Christ (Novgorod) (1452).
New Hieromartyrs Nicolos, Theodore and Vladimir priests (1919).
St. Theodosius of Antioch (412).
"Chernigov-Eletskaya" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1060).
Sts. Theodore and Agapius of Apamea in Syria.
Martyr Mairus.
St. Stephen of Placidian near Constantinople (Greek).
St. Theodosius of Mt. Athos, metropolitan of Trebizond (14th c.) (Greek).
St. Agapius of Apamea in Syria.
Hieromartyr Hyginus, pope of Rome (142) (Celtic & British).
St. Romilos the Hermit of Veddin (1375) (Greek).
St. Vitalis of the monastery of Abba Serid (Seridos) at Gaza (609-620) (Greek).
St. Joseph of Cappadocia (Greek).
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