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Monday, October 10, 1864 (September 28, 1864 by the Julian calendar)
17th Week after Pentecost, Tone seven

+ St. Chariton the Confessor, abbot of Palestine (350). Sts. Cyril, schemamonk and Maria, schemanun (1337) (parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh). Martyress Anna (1925). Synaxis of the Saints of the Kievan Caves Monastery, venerated in the near caves of Venerable Anthony: Anthony the Founder (1073) - Prochorus the Gardener and Wonderworker (1107) - John the Faster (12th c.) - Juliana the Virgin, Princess of Ol'shansk (c.1550) - Monkmartyrs Basil and Theodore (1098) - Polycarp, Archimandrite of the Kievan Caves (1182) - Varlaam, Abbot of the Kievan Caves (1065) - Damian the Presbyter and Healer (1071) - Nicodemus the Prosphora-baker (12th c.) - Lawrence the Hermit, Bishop of Turov (12th C) - Athanasius the Hermit (c.1176) - Gerasim the Black-Robed (12th c.) - Luke, Steward of the Kievan Caves (13th c.) - Agapit the Unmercenary Physician (c.1095) - Theophilus the Clear-sighted and John the God-pleasing (12th c.) - Nectarios (12th c.) - Gregory the Iconographer (12th c.) - Hieromartyr Kuksha, Enlightener of the Vyati (12th c.) - Alexis the Hermit (13th c.) - Sava the God-pleasing (13th c.) - Sergius the Obedient (13th c.) - Mercurius, Bishop of Smolensk (1239) - Pimen the Muchailing (1110) - Nestor the Chronicler (c.1114) - Monkmartyr Evstratius (1097) - Elladius the Hermit (12th-13th c.) - Jeremiah the Clairvoyant (11th c.) - Monkmartyr Moses the Hungarian (c.1031-1043) - John the Much-ailing (1160) - Mark the Grave-Digger (12th c.) - Nikola Svyatosha, Prince of Chernigov (1143) - Martyr Gregory the Wonderworker (1093) - Onysimus the Hermit (12th-13th c.) - Matthew the Clairvoyant (11th c.) - Isaiah the Wonderworker (1115) - Abraham the Lover of Labor (12th-13th c.) - Niphont, Bishop of Novgorod (1156) - Sylvester the Wonderworker (12th c.) - Pimen the Faster (12th c.) - Onuphrius the Silent (12th c.) - Anatolius the Hermit (12th c.) - Alipy the Iconographer (1114) - Sisois the Hermit (12th-13th c.) - Theophilus the Hermit (12th-13th c.) - Arethas the Hermit (c.1195) - Spiridon the Prosphora-baker (12th c.) - Onysiphorus the Confessor (1148) - Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (12th c.) - Nikon, Abbot of Kievan Caves (1088) - Theophan the Faster (12th c.) - Macarius (12th c.) - Monkmartyr Anastasius the Deacon (12th c.) - 12 Master Architects (11th c.) - Abraham the Hermit (12th-13th c.) - Isaac the Hermit (c.1190) - Martyr John the Infant (11th-12th c.) - Elias of Murom (c.1188) - Nikon the Lean (12th c.) - Ephraim, Bishop of Pereyaslavl' (c.1098) - Tito the Hieromonk (1190). St. Chariton, monk, of Syanzhema Lake (Vologda) (1509). St. Herodion, abbot, of Iloezersk (1541). Prophet Baruch (6th c. B.C.). Martyrs Alexander, Alphius, Zosimas, Mark, Nicon, Neon, Heliodorus, and 24 others in Pisidia and Phrygia (4th c.). Martyrdom of St. Wenceslaus, prince of the Czechs (935). St. Juliana, Princess of Olshansk. Martyr Eustace of Rome (Greek). St. Faustus, bishop of Riez (495). St. Leoba, abbess of Bischofsheim, English missionary to Germany (779). St. Alkison, bishop of Nicopolis (Preveza) in Epirus (561). St. Auxentius the Alaman, Wonderworker of Cyprus (12th c.). St. Neophytus the Recluse of Cyprus (1214) (Cypriote).

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