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Friday, October 12, 1810 (September 30, 1810 by the Julian calendar)
17th Week after Pentecost, Tone seven
[.:] Hieromartyr Gregory, bishop of Greater Armenia (335).
[.:] St. Gregory, abbot of Pelshme, wonderworker of Vologda (1442).
St. Michael, first metropolitan of Kiev (992).
New Hieromartyr prokopius priest (1918).
New Hieromartyrs Peter, Viacheslav, Peter priests and Martyr Alexis (1937).
New Hieromartyr Leonid priest (1938).
Martyrs Rhipsima and Gaiana and companions, of Armenia (4th c.).
St. Honorius, archbishop of Canterbury (653) (Celtic & British).
St. Michael, great prince of Tver (1318).
New Hiero-confessor Hieromonk Seraphim (Zagorovsky), of Kharkov (1943).
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