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Saturday, March 12, 1864 (February 29, 1864 by the Julian calendar)
Week of the Last Judgment, Tone seven

Entire week. All of the venerable fathers, lit up with great deeds (movable holiday on Saturday of the Cheese-fare Week). St. John Cassian the Roman, abbot (435). St. John, called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Egypt (5th c.). Martyr Theoctyrist [Theostyrictus] (8th C). "Devpeteruv" (1392) Icon of the Mother of God. St. Cassian, recluse and faster of the Kiev Caves (12th c.). St. Oswald, archbishop of York (992) (Celtic & British). St. Germanus of Dacia Pontica (Dobrogea, Romania) (5th c.) (Romania). St. Theosterictus the Confessor, abbot of Pelecete Monastery near Prusa (826). St. Cassian of Mu Lake Hermitage, disciple of St. Alexander of Svir (16th c.). St. Meletius, archbishop of Kharkov (1840).

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