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Wednesday, February 17, 1988 (February 4, 1988 by the Julian calendar)
Week of the Last Judgment, Tone three

Entire week. St. Isidore of Pelusium, monk (436-440). St. George, prince of Vladimir (1238). St. Cyril, abbot, wonderworker of New Lake (Novgorod) (1532). New Hieromartyr Methodius bishop of Petropavlovsk (1921). New Hieromartyrs Eustaphius, John, Alexander, Sergius, John, Theodora, Aleksander, Nicolos, Alexis, Nicolos, Alexis, Alexander, Arcadius, Boris, Michael, Nicolos, Alexis, Andrew, Demetrius, John, Peter, Martyr Seraphim, Virgin-martyr Rafaila and Anna, Martyrs John, Basil, Demetrius and Theodore (1938). St. Abraham and St. Coprius, monks, of Pechenga (Vologda) (15th c.). Martyrs Jadorus and Isidore who suffered under Decius (249-251). Hieromartyr Abramius, bishop of Arbela in Assyria (ca. 344-347). St. Nicholas the Confessor, abbot of the Studion (868). St. John, of Irenopolis (325). St. Aldate, hieromartyr of Gloucester, England (6th c.) (Celtic & British). New Martyr Joseph of Aleppo (1686) (Greek). Hieromartyr Phileas, bishop of Thmuis and martyr Philoromus the Magistrate (303). St. Evagrius, fellow-ascetic of St. Shio of Mgvime, Georgia (6th c.) (Georgia).

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Tags: Orthodox Menologion Online, Orthodox Calendar 2011, Menologion, Typikon, holiday, celebration, Church Calendar 2011, Easter 2011


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