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Monday, March 18, 1861 (March 6, 1861 by the Julian calendar)
The 1-st week of the Great Lent, Bright Monday, Tone eight

Bright Monday. Beginning of the Great Lent. Clean Monday. (On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the 1st week of Great Lent the Great Vespers the canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read). The 42 Martyrs of Ammoria in Phrygia, including: Constantine, Aetius, Theophilus, Theodore, Melissenus, Callistus, Basoes, and others (845). The uncovering of the Precious Cross and the Precious Nails by Empress St. Helen (326). Monk-martyrs Conon and his son Conon of Iconium (270-275). St. Arcadius, monk, of Cyprus (361), and his disciples Julian and Bulius. Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos "Chenstokhovskaya", "Shestokhov" ("Hearth"). "Blessed Heaven" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in Moscow. Translation of the relics (1230) of Martyr Abraham of Bulgaria (1229). St. Fridolin, abbot, enlightener of the Upper Rhine (538). St. Job (Joshua in Schema) of Solovki (1720).

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