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Sunday, May 2, 2100 (April 18, 2100 by the Julian calendar)
The Bright Resurrection of Christ, The Pascha of the Lord
The End of the Great Lent.
St. John, disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis (820).
New Hieromartyr Bessarion priest (1918).
New Hieromartyr Michael confessor, priest (1935).
Martyrs Victor, Zoticus, Zeno, Acindynus, and Severian of Nicomedia (ca. 303).
St. Cosmas, bishop of Chalcedon, and his fellow-ascetic St. Auxentius (815-820).
New Martyr John Yanitsky (1526).
St. Euthymius the Enlightener of Karelia (1435), and Sts. Anthony and Felix of St. Nicholas Monastery in Karelia.
"Maximov" Icon of the Mother of God (1299).
New Martyr John the New of Epirus (1526) (Greek).
Monks John and Athanasius of Aegina (Greek).
New Hieromartyrs Priests Nicholas (1937) and Basil (Derzhavin) (1930) and lay people of the city of Gorodets, Nizhni-Novgorod.
St. Naucratius, abbot of the Studion (848).
St. Athanasia the Wonderworker of Aegina (9th c.).
St. Basil Ratishvili of the Holy Mountain, Georgia (13th c.).
Martyr Sabbas the Goth (372).
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Tags: Orthodox Menologion Online, Orthodox Calendar 2011, Menologion, Typikon, holiday, celebration, Church Calendar 2011, Easter 2011