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Monday, February 20, 1882 (February 8, 1882 by the Julian calendar)
The 1-st week of the Great Lent, Bright Monday, Tone three

Bright Monday. Beginning of the Great Lent. Clean Monday. (On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the 1st week of Great Lent the Great Vespers the canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read). [.:] Great-martyr Theodore Stratelates ("the General") of Heraclea (319). [.:] Prophet Zechariah, from among the 12 Minor Prophets (520 BC). New Hieromartyrs Simeon, Andrew and Sergius priests (1938). New Hieromartyr Alexander priest (1942). St. Sabbas II, archbishop of Serbia (1271). St. Macarius, bishop of Paphos in Cyprus (Greek). Martyr Conitus of Alexandria (249). St. Agathangelus, bishop of Damascus (ca. 325). Sts. John and Basil of the Kiev Caves. St. Lyubov of Ryazan, fool-for Christ (1921).

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