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Tuesday, June 23, 1891 (June 11, 1891 by the Julian calendar)
1st Week after Pentecost, Tone seven
Entire week.
+ Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas (1st c.).
St. Barnabas, abbot of Vetluga (1445).
Uncovering of the relics (1572) of St. Ephraim, abbot of New Torzhok (1053).
Translation of the relics of St. Arcadius, monk of Vyazma and New Torzhok (1077).
Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "It is Truly Meet" ("Axion Estin") (10th c.).
St. Niphont patriarch of Constantinople (Romania).
Commemoration of the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel (10th c.) to a monk on Mt. Athos, and the revelation of the hymn "It Is Truly Meet" (Axion Estin).
St. Barnabus of Basa near Limasol in Cyprus (Greek).
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Tags: Orthodox Menologion Online, Orthodox Calendar 2011, Menologion, Typikon, holiday, celebration, Church Calendar 2011, Easter 2011