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Sunday, September 25, 1836 (September 13, 1836 by the Julian calendar)
18th Sunday after Pentecost, Tone eight
Forefeast of the Exaltation of the Cross.
[.:] Commemoration of the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection (The Holy Sepulchre) at Jerusalem (335).
Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion (1st c.).
New Hieromartyrs Stephan, Alexander priests and Nicolos deacon (1937).
Martyrs Cronides, Leontius, and Serapion of Alexandria (237).
Martyr Seleucus in Scythia (320).
Martyr Straton of Nicomedia (3rd c.).
Martyrs Macrobius and Gordian at Tomi in Romania (320).
Hieromartyr Julian of Galatia (4th c.).
Martyrs Elias, Zoticus, Lucian, Valerian, Macrobius, and Gordian at Tomi in Romania (320).
Venerable Peter at Atroe (9th C).
Great-martyr Ketevan, queen of Kakhetia (1624) (Georgia).
St. Cornelius of Padan-Olonets (16th c.), disciple of St. Alexander of Svir, and with him Sts. Dionysius and Misail
St. John of Prislop (15th-l6th c.) (Romania).
Venerable Basil monk of Iveron Monastery (Greek).
St. Hierotheus of Kalamata, monk of Iveron Monastery, Mt. Athos (1745) (Greek).
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