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Sunday, December 27, 1818 (December 15, 1818 by the Julian calendar)
29th Sunday after Pentecost, Tone three
Nativity (St. Philip's Fast).
Hieromartyr Eleutherius, bishop of Illyria, and his mother, Martyr Anthia and Martyr Corivus the Eparch (126).
St. Paul of Mt. Latros (956).
[.:] St. Stephen the Confessor, archbishop of Surozh in the Crimea (790).
Synaxis of All Saints of Crimea.
New Russian Hieromartyrs Joseph, metropolitan of Petrograd (1938), Hilarion (Troitsky), bishop of Verey (1929); Virgin-martyr Victorina (Diobronravova).
New Hieromartyrs Alexander and Basil priests (1937).
St. Tryphon, of Pechenga or Kola (1583), and his martyred disciple Jonah.
Martyr Eleutherius at Constantinople (4th c.).
St. Pardus, hermit of Palestine (6th c.).
Monk-martyr Bacchus of Mar Saba (8th c.).
Martyr Susanna the Deaconess of Palestine (4th c.).
St. Aubertus, bishop (668) (Neth.).
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