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Sunday, June 27, 1965 (June 14, 1965 by the Julian calendar)
2-nd Sunday after Pentecost. All Russian Saints, Tone one

Apostles' (Peter & Paul) Fast. All venerable and holy Fathers of the Holy Mount Athos (movable holiday on the 2nd Sunday of Pentecost). Prophet Elisha (10th c. B.C.). St. Methodius, patriarch of Constantinople (847). New Hieromartyr Joseph priest (1918). New Hieromartyrs Nicolos, Alexander priests and Nicolos deacon (1938). St. Mstislav-George, prince of Novgorod (1180). St. Methodius, abbot of Peshnosha (1392). St. Elisha, monk, of Suma (Solovki) (15th- 16th c.). St. Niphon, monk of Kapsokalyvia, Mt. Athos (1330). St. Julitta (Julia) of Tabenna in Egypt. St. John (Mavropos), metropolitan of Euchaita (1100). St. Joseph, bishop of Thessalonica, brother of St. Theodore of the Studion (830). St. Sabbas the Fool-for-Christ of Vatopedi, Mt. Athos (1349).

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