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Monday, June 4, 1894 (May 23, 1894 by the Julian calendar)
6th Week after Pascha, Tone five
St. Michael the Confessor, bishop of Synnada (818).
[.:] Uncovering of the relics (1164) of St. Leontius, bishop and wonderworker of Rostov (1077).
Synaxis of All Saints of Rostov and Yaroslavl: Bishop Leontius (1073), Bishop Isaiah, wonderworker (1090), Bishop Ignatius (1288), Bishop James (1391), Archbishop Theodore (1394), Metropolitan Demetrius (1709), Archimandrite Abraham the wonderworker (1073-1077), Monk Irinarchus the Hermit (1616). Prince Basil ( 1238), Peter, Tsarevich of Ordynsk (1290) Blessed Isidore, Fool-for-Christ (1474) Blessed John of the Hair-Shirt (the Merciful), Fool-for-Christ (1580); Yaroslav Wonderworkers: Princes Basil (1249), Constantine (1257), Theodore (1299) and his sons David (1321) and Constantine (XIV); Pereslavl Wonderworkers: Monk Nikita the Stylite (1186), Monk Daniel the Archimandrite (1540), Prince Alexander Nevsky (1263), Prince Andrew of Smolensk (15th c.); Uglich Wonderworkers: Monk Paisius (1504), Monk Cassian (1504), Monk Ignatius of Lomsk (1591), Prince Roman (1285), Tsarevich Demetrius (1591); Poshekhonsk Wonderworkers: Monk Sylvester of Obnora (1379), Monk Sebastian (1542), Hieromartyr Adrian (1550), Monk Gennadius of Liubimograd and Kostroma (1565).
Virgin Euphrosyne, princess of Polotsk (1173).
St. Paisius, abbot, of Galich (1463).
Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary, wife of Cleopas.
Martyr Michael "the black-robed" of St. Sabbas' Monastery (9th c.).
Martyr Salonas the Roman (Greek).
St. Damian of Garesja, (King Demetrius) of Georgia (1157).
St. Ioannicius I, archbishop of Serbia (1270).
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