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Friday, May 5, 1905 (April 22, 1905 by the Julian calendar)
Bright Week

Entire week. "Life- giving Spring" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (movable holiday on the Friday of the Bright Week). Commemoration of the renewal (sanctification) of the Holy Theotokos temple near the Life-giving Spring in Constantinople (5th c.) (movable holiday on the Friday of the Bright Week). "Pochaev" Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (movable holiday on the Friday of the Bright Week). St. Theodore the Sykeote, bishop of Anastasiopolis (613). New Hieromartyr Eustaphius priest (1918). Apostles Nathaniel, Luke, and Clement. Translation of the relics of St. Vsevolod (in holy baptism Gabriel), prince and wonderworker of Pskov (1138). St. Vitalis of the monastery of Abba Serid (Seridos) at Gaza (609-620). Martyr Leonidas of Alexandria (202). Martyr Epipodius of Lyons (177) (Gaul). Hieromartyr Platon of Banja Luka (1941).

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