function print_color_begin () { document.write(""); } function print_header () { document.write("Today, "); document.write("Monday, March 3, 2025 (February 18, 2025 by the Julian calendar)
The 1-st week of the Great Lent, Bright Monday, Tone three
"); } function print_day () { document.write("Bright Monday. Beginning of the Great Lent."); document.write(" Clean Monday. (On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the 1st week of Great Lent the Great Vespers the canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read)."); document.write(""); document.write(" St. Leo the Great, pope of Rome (461). St. Agapitus, bishop of Synnada in Phrygia (4th c.). St. Flavian the Confessor, patriarch of Constantinople (449). St. Cosmas, monk, of Yakhromsk (1492). Martyrs Victor, Dorotheus, Theodulus, and Agrippa, who suffered under Licinius (4th c.). St. Colman, bishop of Lindisfarne (676) (Celtic & British). Martyrs Leo and Parigorius of Patara of Lycia (258) (Greek). New Hieromartyrs Alexander (Medvedsky) (1932) priest and Benjamin hieromonk (1938). St. Blaise, monk of Mt. Athos (9th c.). Finding of relics (1961) of New Martyr Irene of Lesbos (1463). St. Nicholas, catholicos of Georgia (1591). Commemoration of the New Martyrs who suffered during the \"Holy Night\" in St. Petersburg (1932)."); } function print_color_end () { document.write("
"); } function print_about() { document.write("Orthodox Menologion Online"); }